The secret of dimension of publicity. Promotion of Silesia Region.

The secret of dimension of publicity. Promotion of Silesia Region.

Author: Ilona Politowicz
Publisher: University of Technology in Katowice Press
​Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach
Year: 2008
ISBN: 83-923221-8-5
Pages: 80
published in English

Table of contents

1/ Pedagogic and artistic

Tomasz Chudzik
My encounters with Beuys In the work of a teacher-artist of works hop grphic and drawing.


Ilona Politowicz
Adwertisements by the pond.

Lucyna Andrzejewska
About the photogfaphy.

Ewa Antonowicz
Largeness of virtual impulse in promotion.

Agnieszka Perzyńska
Multimedia presentation.